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Father Daughter Homeschool Dance - BY AHG

Date – Time

February 22, 2025 – 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM


401 N Reynolds RD Bryant AR

Additional Information


Tickets are already flying.
Get yours soon.

Father Daughter Dance by American Heritage Girls AR2911
Father Daughter Evening of Memories:
American Heritage Girls AR2911 are hosting a Valentines Dance Fundraiser at Crosspointe for fathers and daughters—both young and old—within our community!
Dads, daughters, grandfathers & daughters, as well as the greats, are all invited to join in the celebration of the beautiful bond shared between our men and their little girls; of all ages. Come make memories and have a fun night out together.
Purchase tickets online $15 each
February 22nd 4-7pm
Attire: Church Dress
Dancing, Silent Auction, Door Prizes
Entertainment & Music
Tasting Boards & Desserts
Hot Coco & Coffee Bar