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Freedom Camp

Date – Time

This will be a week long camp – 8:30 AM - 12:15 PM


Geyer Springs Baptist Church
12400 I-30
Little Rock, AR 72210

Additional Information

A week of half-day sessions where kids learn about the philosophical ideologies that shaped America's founding documents.

Each morning, the camp starts with a skit that introduces concepts such as natural rights, the social contract, individualism, federalism, separation of powers, and checks and balances. Through fun skits, kids get to learn about philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Montesquieu. They even get to meet the conceptualized Leviathan, who is portrayed as a local celebrity in a blow-up dinosaur costume! Following each skit, the camp instructor leads a discussion to explain the ideologies and answer any questions. The morning concludes with breakout sessions where kids play trivia and games to reinforce the concepts they've learned. Through the skits, games, and discussions the kids will read the Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers to recognize how our founding fathers included the concepts of American liberty and greatness in our founding documents.

A highlight of the camp is the many special guests who visit. We welcome influential local figures to talk to the kids.

In the afternoon, there is a session for older teens. This time allows them to delve deeper into the justice system and understand the reasons behind certain events.

Also during the morning session, there are lots of opportunities for the teens to help out and earn volunteer hours.


Last year, more than 70 kids memorized the preamble to the Constitution. For their hard work throughout the week, the kids earned stars, which they could cash in on the last day for prizes at the Constitution Store. This was followed by a party with water slides, a bouncy house, snow cones, and more!

The camp concludes on Friday with a guided tour of the Capitol, including areas not typically open to the public. 

You and your kids won't want to miss this fun and educational camp!


As soon as a link to sign up is posted I will update you all.